Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas 2008

Wake Up Chi Chi, it's Christmas.
I thought I would share what Christmas looked like at our house this year. The only kids we had at home this year were the dogs. They each had their own stocking. Chi Chi got the biggest stocking. Yup! Spoilt dog!

One of our Christmas trees is decorated with Delft Blue Ornaments that we got when we were in Holland. My husband served a mission there so we like to go back there to visit and we decorate this tree as a reminder of those times.

Another of our trees is a tradition from both of our families. It is a Silver Pom Pom Christmas Tree. We don't put lights on the tree because that would be a fire hazard but they have a color wheel that is put under the tree that shines the colors up into the tree and shines that color in the tree. I love to sit at night and watch the tree change colors. It is very pretty and relaxing. Here it is with the red shining on it.

This is our other dog "Simba." He is also spoilt and runs the family with "Chi Chi." He could smell the treats in the stocking and was trying to figure out how to get them out.

I like to make little scenes out of the decorations around the house.

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