Monday, August 23, 2010

Marriage Communication; Marriage Poem

Here is a new video I made with a marriage poem I wrote. Marriage communication is about two people working together even like your eyes do. I hope it reminds you that it takes two people in tune with each other to make a successful marriage. I hope your Two sets of Eyes make one couple.

Marriage Wisdom Quotes

Some Marriage Quotes I use when I teach "Attaining Happiness in Marriage."

Friday, July 2, 2010

Family Reunion

Family reunion this weekend. We are in charge. We are doing a Dr. Seuss theme. Each family has a book they will dress as and act out. Activities include find you families feet. We will line them up behind sheets so you can't see the people and only see their feet and we are tagging everyone's feet with a number. The dad's have to find their families feet. Then we will turn it around and the kids will find their dad's feet. We are having a fishing pond and cat throw (stuffed) and a ping pong ball throw into fish bowls. If they get one in the bowl they get the fish. The parents are going to love that. They should be glad it's not kittens. Then we are doing the whole green eggs and ham menu. Every year we have a time for mom and dad to share some of their wisdom with the family. This is a very special informative and special time. Should be fun.

Monday, May 31, 2010

BMW Z-4 change of view

We went driving in my husbands new BMW Z-4 convertible. We drove to our cabin at Bear Lake. The drive is usually made in a hurry but the scenery is always beautiful. Driving through the canyon with no roof on the car was a whole new experience. The view was incredible. It was so fun that I really took time to notice the jagged rocks, and the clouds hovering over the peaks of the mountains, the rock climbers on the cliffs, and the green of the pine trees contrasting against the lingering snow in crevasses. I really enjoyed the ride. I didn't think I would like the little sports car very much. I have always been more of the SUV kind of gal but.... watch out Gaylan I just may want to borrow that little car every so often.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Photos from Blog Conference

Panel: Jenny Proctor, Emily Poole, Kristina Pulsipher, Jessica Bern

Debbie Gerber

Jessica Williams (Utah Deal Diva)

Lauren Gerber


Quinn Williams

Me at the confernce in the hat I won


I am so excited. I won one of the prizes that the generous sponsors gave at the casual bloggers conference. My prize box included: Memory Mixer software and a $30 gift certificate from Memory Mixer. I can't wait to try it. I talked to some people that took their class and I think it will be a great benefit for my blogs, websites and presentations. Next in the bag were some gifts from JBK Pottery. One was a Pot Minder. I have tied these before you put it in your pot and it will not boil over. There was also a Brown Sugar Saver. I have also used one of these before. You put it in some water for a few minutes and then put it in brown sugar, marshmallows or cookies and it will keep them soft or resoften them. I appreciate that it makes things last longer. That helps me because with only two of us at home, and we eat out a lot, we need to lengthen the life of the food we try to reduce waste. That's not all there was. There was a necklace with interchangeable center jewels. What a unique and fun necklace to own and wear. It came in a pretty tin case that looked like a mirror compact. Very classy! Maxi wares provided a camera strap with Moxy. I saw a lot of the women at the conference with these fun modern straps. I even had a camera with me to put it on. I have to say on of the most exciting prizes in my prize bag was a fantastic hat. It is black with gray cording. I love wearing hats. was the donor of this prize. I want to thank all the sponsors and donors of these prizes. I had a great time at the blog conference and winning was just the icing on the cake.

Casual Blogger Conference

I am at the Casual Blogger Conference learning more about blogging. Julie McDonald is a great teacher. She is very good at creating cute and interesting blog backgrounds she runs I am excited to learn about the design part of blogging. I learned to use for subscriptions for your news letters. It was very easy to use and collects your subscribers and emails out your newsletter. She taught us how to use to make our newletters. These are great sites with awesome features.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Excited for Warm Weather

So excited to have the pool open and heated for the summer. I can finally do the exercise that I love. Even our baby grandson went swimming.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I am Grateful! It has been several long days and another weekend of them coming up. I just try to fit too much into my life. But I love it! Grateful today for God, good surgeons, great friends, a wonderful husband, my kids, my grand kids, our families,Oh, and my dogs.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

We went walking in our beautiful neighborhood with our dogs, little princess of a dog Chi Chi, and our puffy Mr. Simba We walked and visited friends. It was a lovely evening. It was fun spending time with my husband and our dogs. The only hard part is Chi doesn't like to walk every once in a while she decides she will pull a tantrum and she will plant her feet and refuse to walk. We have to bribe her and then she will decide to go with us.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Prevent Divorce or Change an Unhappy Marriage to the marriage of your dreams

Preventing divorce is easy once you know the steps. The Relationship Castle System is just that. Do you want to have your spouse meet your every need. Do you want to stop the fighting and start loving instead. Check this out.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Relationship Book to be released

I have been married for 32 years. Most of that was very satisfying and exciting. We went through a very rough several years. I put together ways to come together again and each get what we wanted for our marriage. After people started asking how we did it so I wrote the book "Is Your Relationship Castle Under Siege? 31 Building Blocks to a Happy Ending." You can get the book at a discounted price as an e-book until it is printed and released. Ask yourself the questions on the web page to see if it describes your marriage.